Make that change
We use the medium of “art & music” to raise awareness of nature and the environment and give children an audible voice for their future on this planet in a playful way.
We use the medium of “art & music” to raise awareness of nature and the environment and give children an audible voice for their future on this planet in a playful way.
Together with children, educators, musicians, actors, dancers and filmmakers, we create small and large artistic works and teaching materials around AGUAÁRIA, which use joy, play and lightness to motivate young and old to become more active and have a more conscious view of the world. Because:
No matter what species, age, skin color or religion we belong to – we are all children of this earth. Let’s act accordingly!
AGUAÁRIA stands for charity, international exchange and the protection of nature and species across all borders…
…to educate children worldwide about the mysterious and vital element of water and its value in a lively way through active, international cooperation with educational institutions.
Through art & music, we give our children a voice and playfully raise their awareness of a more sustainable and, above all, more loving way of interacting with each other and with “our” beautiful planet Earth.
We believe that music and art have the power to overcome boundaries. Art can pick us up where we will never reach with our minds: In the heart. Only what we can feel in our hearts moves us to change. Through the public performances of the children, we reach the hearts of the adults as well and thus stimulate a real inner transformation in thinking and in nature and environmental awareness.
Support us with your know-how and your individual skills to make the message of AGUAÁRIA known and spread it internationally!
Only with sufficient financial resources is it possible to spread AGUAÁRIA’s message worldwide, to share it with children and schools and to implement it creatively!
Become an active part of AGUAÁRIA. Do our AGUAÁRIA musical with children, or start a creative water & nature protection project with & for children!
Everything depends on and needs each other. Let’s stand up for something bigger together! “United we are stronger!” Become part of the AGUAÁRIA community and the association.
I am a water fairy and together with my friends the dolphins Nirea & Nireo I will guide you through these virtual pages from time to time. My mission is to tell you everything I know about water and how we can preserve it.
I am a daughter of the Great Water Soul – we affectionately call her AGUAÁRIA. It was she who gave me life, like everything else on this blue planet – INCLUDING YOU!
Why? Because nothing on this phenomenal, beautiful earth can survive long-term without water… and that’s what the fairy tale, our musical and our projects are all about… and so much more… about YOU, for example…
Creating awareness for water and nature as a whole is important to me. Doing this with the story of AGUAÁRIA is a very beautiful form that also touches people’s hearts. Art offers countless opportunities to illuminate the message of AGUAÁRIA and to creatively implement it internationally. The learning and creative space here is huge. AGUAÁRIA offers children and participating adults a great opportunity to do something sustainably good for this earth. (Christian Georg Wimmer)
We teach children around the world that they are valuable beings whose thoughts and feelings matter! The aim of the AGUAÁRIA association is to strengthen the self-esteem of children and young people and give them a perspective for their future. We use the medium of art and music to create greater awareness among young and old of the interplay between people and nature. We sensitize people to the preciousness of the element of water, which should be pure and clear and freely available to every being. (Wiebke Wivvica Matern)
We are two dolphin siblings and love the sea. Unfortunately, things are getting worse for us sea creatures and many of us are in a very bad way. Therefore, together with our friend, the little water fairy Aguani and all the other animals of the ocean, we called the soul of the water – AGUAÁRIA – for help. AGUAARIA is now (yes, right now) beginning to emit her long-forgotten melody back into the water. With this melody she calls all people who are pure of heart – but especially the children – and reminds them that they are wonderful and powerful and can make a difference in the world. Every person, no matter how small they may feel, is like a drop of water that can grow into a gigantic, powerful sea when it joins with other drops of water!
Together with us, the girl Luh and the boy Kanja, we are about to embark on a mission that will overcome all divisions and culminate in a great song that has the power to change everything. Whether YOU already know it or not: YOU ARE PART OF IT!
Even if you may sometimes feel very small – believe us – you have the power within you to change almost everything in life if you connect with the power of your heart! You can make a particularly big difference if you do it like water, which joins together drop by drop and grows into a gigantic ocean… Together we can create so much good! Believe in yourself!
© AGUAÀRIA International 2023
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